Thursday, August 6, 2015

On the Road

Here I am in Sydney, Nebraska, it's 7:16 p.m., we've eaten dinner, and the GOP debate is on. Yes, one of the reasons for our early stop tonight was this debate (who doesn't want to watch Trump?).  But, we also need a respite after yesterday's craziness. 

I left my hometown yesterday morning, seen off by my parents, my Heidi, Randi, Penny the dog, Charlie Bucket the doc, Stella the dog, Mike, Marijo, and One Midge Parr the Card. A true 22nd Avenue parade!

Surprisingly, Maddie drove Stella the car through the Sierras, turning the wheel over to Yvette at Winnemucca, Nevada. I drove Buck the truck the entire day, and I'm pleased with his performance.

The craziness last night began in Salt Lake City. First, the smog in the valley is terrible, worse I think than Los Angeles. Perhaps there was a wildfire nearby, but the air made the entire town look dirty and unhealthy, which I know it's not. Worse than the air quality, however, was the massive apparel industry convention in town. No rooms at any inns, no rooms within a 60-mile radius. We ended up driving until nearly midnight to get a room at Little America. 

Truth to be told, our stay at Little America was pretty nice. While the wait times for check-in last night and for breakfast this morning were a little long, it was still pretty pleasant. 

On the road today and through beautiful Wyoming. Maddie fell in love with the buttes, which rose out of the ground like beautiful statues. 

So, our travels have brought us here to Sydney. If I had to pick the most interesting things I've seen so far, I'd pick Maddie's buttes, the landscape between Laramie and Cheyenne, the beautiful prairies of Wyoming and Nebraska, the salt flats of Utah, the Lincoln Monument outside Laramie, and the town of Rawlins, Wyoming, which looked like an old-timely western town built next to a railroad. 

Oh, I can't write any more. Rand Paul is getting the stuffing knocked out of him by Trump and Christie. 

More Nebraska tomorrow....



  1. Heidi and I are watching a show that takes place in Wyoming called Longmire.
    -Mr. Boone

  2. I loved Wyoming, especially the Devil's tower made famous in the movie Close Encounters. The debate was quite the spectacle. For a minute I thought there was going to be a fist fight. Nice to know the Sidney Police put you up in the Best Western, much nicer than a steel cot behind bars.
