Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Flat on Ordensmeisterstr.

April 19, 2014, 9:10 p.m., Petra's House, Berlin

The sight of Melli and Sascha, huge smiles and a camera in Melli's hand, greeted us as soon as we stepped from the baggage area.  Expecting a baby in July, Melli glowed with good health.  Sascha, last seen by me when he was just a little boy showing me his Lego "geist," is a tall, good-looking young man. And Klaus, their father, was also there to welcome us back to Berlin--he doesn't look much older now than he did nineteen years ago!

Into a cab and soon we were at Petra's flat on lovely Ordensmeisterstr.  It hasn't changed a whole lot, but the kids running around are now Mika, Sascha's little boy, and T.J., Melli's little boy. It wasn't long before T.J. felll in love with Heidi.

There were many moments of chaos as we all said our hellos and exchanged hugs.  More chaos came later, with the exchange of gifts.  While Melli and Petra got "girly" gifts like candy and goodies from Bath and Body Works, the boys, T.J. and Mika as well as Sascha and Melli's boyfriend, Ollie, got nerf guns.  Soon, soft "bullets" were flying all over Petra's lovely living room.  

Gifts came our way from Petra as well. Knowing the Herbon love of Nutella, Petra gave us our own labels for our jars of the hazelnut treat.

Petra and Melli whipped up a delicious dinner of ham with homemade muffins, salad, a pasta dish, and awonderful spinach-garlic-feta spread.  Damn, those were some good eats.

A few more pix to round out the day, featuring the girls during our layover at CDG Paris--it wasn't pretty.

Off to my little bed beside the front window, overlooking Ordenmeisterstr.  No plans yet for tomorrow; we'll decide that over breakfast.

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