Thursday, January 19, 2012

Getting Started

Why the hell am I writing a blog? Well, I'm not quite sure, actually. I think there may be several reasons:

1. I'm at a transition point in my life, and I want to keep a journal of my new experiences.
2. I am passionate about the study of history, and I would like to find various and sundry ways of sharing that passion.
3. I like to write.
Yeah, that's about it.

Here's the 4-1-1 on me. I'm 50 years old (OMG!!!), separated from my "paper husband" for nearly 15 years now (another OMG!!!), and I've recently been given a lay-off notice from the employer for whom I've worked for the past 25 years (seriously?). Talk about a time of transition! I'm also a grad student at CSU Sacramento, majoring in history. I have a raucous household that consists of two daughters, one dog, and four cats. I am almost never bored.

In time, I hope that, through this blog, I will get to know myself a little better. It is scary, standing on the precipice of a life change, not knowing just where I'll land when I take the leap. Yet, I'm excited by the possibilities, the wonder of getting to explore a path that I never thought I'd venture down. It all stands open in front of me. I just need to take the first step.

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