I came back to the tin box after my beautiful week at the cabin two weeks ago. My first social engagement involved lunch at Hoppy's with pal Linda. We don't get together very often, but boy how we can gab when we do. Linda and I used to talk about her being a professional genealogist and me a professional historian. Well, she's made it and I'm well on the way. Amazing!!
The next event in the social whirl took place at El Torito, a throw-back get-together of friends that formerly or currently work at the Court. What a great time I had. The laughter rang from our table as the grown-ups enjoyed margaritas and the Princess drank something more like a smoothie (much to her surprise, no tequila had been added to her mango margarita). Anita, youngest at heart of all those at the table, stayed sane and sober while the rest of us got giddy from small quantities of liquor and large quantities of fun.
The next night, the Lady Historians of Sacramento came together at Pour House for sprightly academic chatter. Topics ranged from my doctoral aspirations to the difficulty of getting a teaching job to whether Facebook changed the time on Caitlin's invitation. We all missed the historians who couldn't be with us, but plans are already underway for a Christmas holiday gathering.
But wait, there's more....
The next night, Jerry, Yvette, and I came together for our yearly trip to the California State Fair. We picked a good night, not too hot and not too crowded. As is our custom, we began with the animals, enjoying the arrogance of the llamas and the nakedness of newly sheared sheep. Then came Yvette's favorite part--the vendor booths. We bought some gadgets, of course, and I bought a book by a California author--my favorite, Naida West. Fried foods with Maddie and beer with Kirstin followed, then a visit to the hypnotist show (so Yvette could laugh at the same act we've seen for the past four years). A great night, and the end of a tradition that hopefully comes back when I'm finished with school.
This past week was supposed to be a little slower, socially speaking, but didn't turn out that way. Monday, it was Phoebe and I at Hoppy's (OK, so I can't lay off those damn Hoppy burgers). Talk and talk, catching up on this and that--Phoebe is the kind of friend that can always be counted on for a good conversation.
One of the most special of my social engagements took place on Tuesday night when I met my former boss, attorney Bob Mikel, and his beautiful wife, Pat, for dinner at Caballo Blanco. I admit that without the experience I gained as a legal secretary working for Bob, I wouldn't be where I am now. Not only did I acquire the skills that enabled me to work at the court, like writing in a clear manner, but I gained enormous confidence by being encouraged to continually stretch my boundaries in a safe and supportive environment.
Wednesday brought sister-time. My sister took me on a shopping spree so that Yvette, Maddie, and I will have plenty of snacks for our long drive to Knoxville. We will not starve, that's for sure, but we also won't eat anything healthy. Thank goodness, Tricia knows how to pack for a road trip so we also got practical things like paper towels, hand samitizers, bags, etc. We're good to go!
Finally, today was lunch with Anita, at "our" place, Panera. The combination of really erudite, uplifting discourse with down-and-dirty snark always keeps us at the table long after soup, bread, and cookies have been consumed. When Anita comes to Knoxville, we will go to the Titantic Museum in Pigeon Forge so we can put our fingers in water that's the same temperature of that in which Rose and Jack found themselves. I can't wait!
There are still other friends to see before I go, but the days are dwindling. I signed my lease today, paid my first rent, started putting together my book list for Amazon shopping. It won't be long now....